Forex Trading

Prawdziwy deficyt budżetu państwa jest wielokrotnie wyższy. W sprawozdaniu z ustawy budżetowej rząd pokazał tylko ok. 12% prawdziwego deficytu rządowego, więc absolutorium rządu będzie opierać się na 12% prawdziwego deficytu rządowego. O tym dyskutowali eksperci w ramach drugiej debaty z cyklu “Gospodarka ma głos. 2023” zorganizowanej przez Towarzystwo Ekonomistów Polskich…

In January, everyday traders teamed up on the subreddit r/WallStreetBets to send GameStop’s stock price soaring, sticking it to hedge funds who had bet against the video game retailer due to its layoffs and dwindling sales. Then in early June, investors became fascinated with AMC as the movie theater chain…

Providing brokerage services in Latin America, Asia and CIS, LimeFx focuses on offering high-quality services and comprehensive support to its clients and partners. Our professional team is committed to finding innovative solutions and introducing new technologies so that LimeFx clients from all over the world could get the best trading…

Nie mamy tu bowiem informacji, ile wyniesie przyszła stopa referencyjna WIBOR. Aby jednak ułatwić sobie sytuację, do obliczeń można przyjąć aktualną stopę referencyjną i skorzystać ze wzoru na  YTM. Obligacja to pożyczka, której nabywca lub posiadacz obligacji udziela emitentowi obligacji. Rządy, korporacje i gminy emitują obligacje, gdy potrzebują kapitału. Inwestor, który kupuje obligację rządową, pożycza…

So to give your investment time to work out, you’ll likely want to be able to leave the money in the stock for at least three-to-five years. That means you should be able to live without the money for at least that length of time. The offers that appear on…

Trading Brokers Trading Brokers is dedicated to bringing you unbiased broker reviews, the latest broker news and trading guides to help you along your trading journey. We have over 20 years of experience when it comes to trading online so we know what to look for. Opening an account with…

As a day trader in the forex market, you’ve opened a long position in EUR/USD, expecting the euro to rise. To protect against potential losses, you simultaneously open a short position in GBP/USD, a correlated currency pair. If the euro strengthens as anticipated, your EUR/USD trade profits, while the GBP/USD…

Client funds are held separately from the company’s operating accounts. Founded in 2007, LimeFx is a veteran of the forex and CFD industry. There is some great educational content on the LimeFx blog, covering practical topics like how to set up your MT4 platform professionally and what the MACD indicator…

Here, we focus on the broker’s longevity in business, company size, and the level of transparency they provide with readily available information. We’re committed to continuously improving our products and services, as evidenced by multiple international awards. The interests of Лайм ФХ’ clients are protected by the Financial Commission’s Compensation…

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